Tennis Scoring Web BETA

In our path toward a great user experience xd360media announces Tennis Scoring Web. As you can see it is at the moment still in BETA, this is so because Tennis Scoring Web is still heavily under development and therefore may be unstable.

You can find Tennis Scoring Web BETA here

What can you do with Tennis Scoring Web?

You can see your Tennis Match live on the web.

How do I get Tennis Scoring Web?

Download Tennis Scoring on Google Play and open the SETTINGS tab. Enter a code and make sure it updates in the settings activity, then go to NEW MATCH and select SHARE TENNIS MATCH ONLINE BETA. After starting the new match in the app you should be able to enter your previously chosen code at this website: Now all that's left is to click START and have fun!

IMPORTANT: In order for Tennis Scoring Web to function properly you need to have a stable internet connection.


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